Visual Basic Toolbox
Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO
Text File
136 lines
'CsrPlus.DLL should be in your Windows\System directory or in the Path
'NOTE: The MousePointer for the specified control or form MUST be set to DEFAULT (0)
'Version Functions
Declare Function GetCsrPlusVersion% Lib "CsrPlus.DLL" ()
'determines the version of CsrPlus
'return value is major*100+minor
Declare Function GetVersionInfo% Lib "CsrPlus.DLL" (ByVal Application$, ByVal VersionType$)
'determines version of specified file
'Application$="Windows", "Dos", or "CsrPlus"
'VersionType$=major, minor, or full (full=major*100+minor)
'Backdrop Function
Declare Sub FormBackDrop Lib "CsrPlus.DLL" (ByVal TheHwnd%, ByVal TheStyle$)
'TheHwnd% is the hWnd property of the Form or PictureBox
'set TheStyle$ to any of the following
'Cursor Control Functions
Declare Function MakeCursor& Lib "CsrPlus.DLL" (ByVal TheHwnd%, ByVal TheCursorName$)
'TheHwnd% is the hWnd property of the control or form for which to change the cursor
'TheCursorName$ is the name of the new cursor (these are listed topically below)
'Use this function in the form's LOAD event for best results
'Use these two global constants to store the original cursor handles (for later restoring)
Global OrgCursor As Long
Global OrgTextCursor As Long
Declare Function MakeSysCursor& Lib "CsrPlus.DLL" (ByVal TheHwnd%, ByVal TheCursorName$)
'TheHwnd% is the hWnd property of the control or form for which to change the cursor
'TheCursorName$ is the name of the new cursor (these are listed topically below)
Declare Sub RestoreCursor Lib "CsrPlus.DLL" (ByVal TheHwnd%, ByVal hOrgCursor&)
'TheHwnd% is the hWnd property of the control to restore the cursor for
'hOrgCursor& is the original cursor handle (typically OrgCursor or OrgTextCursor, described above)
'Use this function in the form's UNLOAD event
'Cursor Names (Functional)
'Pencil (note that this cursor is color-inverted on its control)
'Cursor Names (Standard)
'Arrow (just like the standard system arrow -- for easy resetting)
'Cursor Names (Novelty)
'Cursor Names (Animation) -- refer to the Timer1_Timer subroutine in the CurDemo form for usage details
'HourGlass1 (1-7)
'Timer1 (1-8)
'Cursor Names (User Defined) -- modify the CsrPlus.DLL with a resource editor to define these shapes
'User1 (1-8)